Friday, January 22, 2016


When I started blogging I made a promise to you that I'd not just explore plus size fashion, but that Id touch on life and body positive topics to make this forum more dimensional. After all, we aren't the clothes we wear, they just tell others who we are so it only makes sense to talk about both.

So, who are you? I've been having this conversation a lot lately it seems. I'm sure it is presenting itself more now since I've been exploring my own identity so I figured I'd explore it with you too.

Someone asked me one time, "Who are you?" I almost had no idea how to answer, so I just started with what I had going on that week. I thought that telling about what I fill my time with would tell me a bit more about who I am. That wasn't a satisfactory answer, so I started about my past next. I rarely discuss that, especially with new people because its often just too heavy for the situation so I glossed over it and then thought to myself, Who the hell am I right now?

Usually we use words like mother, sister, boss or secretary and we are those things, but those things relate to what we are to others. What do we like to do? I like to blog and go out for brunch with mimosas but that still doesn't feel like it tells anyone who I am. In society, there is usually a very narrow window for a quick explanation for who you are. I've always struggled with that because I've never felt like just a professional or a party girl or an intellectual and in society's eyes, being all three isn't possible. We are told pretty girls are stupid and ugly girls better be smart or funny or nobody will love them. We are told moms arent cool, while women that like to set aside time for drinks with friends are bad mothers. It gives an unfair idea of women being very one dimensional and we are far from that.

I'm here to challenge the idea that you have to fit into just one box. You cant wrap me up in a little box and put a pretty little bow on it, because I'm more than that. I mean, I am a gift- but you just cant put me in a box. There is never any need to feel like you dont belong in the world because one word doesnt describe who you are or because you arent living life like the others around you. In fact, nobody in this world fits in a box. So when I say I'm a blogger, smart, a great time at parties, beautiful and professional- I am each of those things, but I am all of them together, even if some seem contradictory. Thats the beauty of life, it is incredibly complex and full of variables. Why should we expect anything less of ourselves?

So, who are you?

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