Friday, June 12, 2015

My Kardashian Konundrum.

Yeah, I did the K thing. I sure did.

It was recently brought to my attention that I don't talk about the Kardashians when they are almost the epicenter of pop culture and fashion these days. I dont talk about them for mainly one reason: the horrible responses from people on the "other side of the fence."

I've tried to stay away from using them as examples since it is such a polarizing topic. I do not want to bring the hate that follows the name to this blog. So far we have an amazing group of people here and there has never been any shaming or hate of each other and I love that. As we grow, I'm sure it will be harder to maintain, but I dont want to preemptively bring the negativity by opening the door to those that spot an easy target. Overall, I leave it up to you. If you would like to see more or want me to do a recreation of a look, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

How do I feel about them? I seem to be one of the few people that doesn't have a super strong opinion one way or the other (love/hate). I do have an opinion of course, I have an opinion on most everything. Might have even gotten "Most Opinionated" in High School so the sass was always there, even from infancy. My opinion is to just let let them live! I mean, Kim did ask for it. I do not subscribe to the fact that they are famous and/or rich for no reason.

You know when  you daydream about being rich and/or famous (you know you do), and how you'd spend your money and time? You imagine how you'd act when people fell at your feet as you walked? Then you're like, well, I have nothing to be rich or famous about so back to notarizing these affidavits for the rest of my life. Ok, that last part might be just me, but I have a feeling that you've felt something similar. So why aren't you famous yet? ...because it takes work. Was there a little luck in there? Maybe but I was told once that luck is where opportunity meets preparation. The K Klan built an empire from just about nothing- or as nothing as already rich is- by Hollywood's standards.

Would we be best friends in real life? Probably not. Do I agree with or would I have done everything they did? Not necessarily, but then again, I've never been in some of those situations so I can't say that I'll never have a 72 day marriage or make a sex tape. Listen, if any of my questionable sexual/relationship activities were ever made public (sorry, Dad) I could only hope they got me a reality show to make up for some of the horrific judgement from people. And really, lets just all agree that we probably have one or two of those "questionable activities" in our own past and if you don't- well, running for President is probably one step closer for you. *brb, going to clean out my skeletons before election day*

Aside from all that, here is a brief list of things that generate revenue for the family (and I'm sure I'm missing some):
TV Shows
Clothing Lines
Hair Extension Lines
Hair Care Lines

If you just look at that list you cant deny it is impressive. At least one (but I'm leaning towards all of them) is business savvy. So a group of women (I'm going to leave Rob out since he gets the least hate) that make their own money, create their own images, withstand daily abuse about every personal choice they've ever made all the while maintaining their idea of beauty and embracing their own sexuality... yeah, I can get behind that. In fact, if I ever had a daughter, I'd want her to be everything on that list.

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