Monday, July 13, 2015

Night Owl

I was going to take pictures of this during the day, but I got distracted by Polyvore. Seriously. It is becoming a real problem. I was at my sister's house all weekend watching the dog niece Beyonce. Shes dramatic. Lovable, but dramatic and I swear I walked more this weekend than I have all year because she refuses to just go out and potty like my dog. Prissy is like, "listen lady, its hot out here can we just get what we need to get done, done?" ...I'm a little nostalgic since I havent seen my babies in a few days.

I should have tied my shirt a little further to the side, but it worked for what I needed. This is a top from Asos in a size 24 (sold out now) with a simple black tank under. It is a cropped length, but since I'm so short it hit me in an awkward place so I just tied it up and moved along. We were just heading to dinner at our favorite restaurant/bar (Angry Dog) which is super relaxed and in a walkable neighborhood (meaning you park and walk a block to get there if you cant find a meter) so I threw on the blue flats and away we went!

You've seen the pants before a few times. They are part of the Noir Collection from Torrid and were in my Office to Happy Hour post and let me tell you- I knew the cons then but I hate these pants now. I'm trying to wear them out so I can justify buying a new pair. They are like a jegging, but aren't billed as one and fit super tight in the legs. Im not so worried about that, I've got a booty that I dont mind showing off. Its the waist that is a problem. I cant get it to stay up at all! Usually that booty I mentioned keeps things on. Not these. If I've worn them a few hours, the waistband is halfway down my ass and I'm showing everyone my groceries.

Side story: So we were getting our nails done before this and as I got up with wet nails, my pants were sliding down and I was like, Cousin! Help me! ...and even our favorite nail tech came over and was helping me pull up my pants. That is the kind of girl you can count on! 

On that note! I'll let you guys enjoy the day thinking about my groceries. I'm sure many people saw them this weekend and their lives are probably better for it.

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